
News in English Job Heusschen

12 maart 2022

News in English Job Heusschen

We held a special live radio and live stream broadcast on Thursday 3 March to give the nog-niet-Nederlandstalig residents in Maastricht an opportunity to get to know the candidates campaigning for your vote in the 2022 gemeenteraadsverkiezingen (municipal elections). Of the 23 parties up for election this year 19 made it into our studio and did their best to present themselves and their party in English.

Unlike most elections in the Netherlands, all EU citizens can vote in gemeenteraadsverkiezingen and non-EU citizens who have lived in the Netherlands for at least 5 years are also eligible to vote.

Each candidate was given 60 seconds to pitch themselves and their party and to explain why they deserve your vote. We are featuring all 19 pitches on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels, and creating a playlist on our YouTube channel so you can browse the pitches and parties at your leisure.

Here is Job Heusschen from SP Maastricht.

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